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Saturday Night

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 2nd of June, 2015
to Manuel Klein's music for the song I'm Looking For A Sweetheart.

Pam is my click up in Perthshire,
But I live way down in Kinross;
She's from the town of Pitlochry
So often I'm counting the cost,
She loves to go to the pictures every Saturday night,
But just right here and now I must tell you about
The time that Pam gave me a fright ...

She asked me if I minded coming to her house
To tell her mum and dad of any plans I had for her.
Gosh I was quite dumfoonert, though I didn't run away,
But nodded as I wondered about what I might say.

Pam's mum and dad were smiling broadly at their door,
And took us to the lounge and promptly wine began to pour,
Till ev'ryone got tiddly and I latterly got tight,
So never knew what happened upon that boozy night.

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