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Phys. Ed. College Days


Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 27th of May, 2015,
to James F. Hanley's 1922 music for the song,
There's A Vacant Chair At Home Sweet Home

We remember the tough times at old Jordanhill,
But smile as we picture these days
At the SSPE where our camaradie
Helped us learn many work and play ways.

Yet these three college years up Southbrae Drive
Were a struggle to survive,
For our daily dose there, of much varied fare,
Made all feel each night more dead than alive.

But in spite of all we recall,
Lots more things that then did us enthral
YES... the lots-pretty girls at Jordanhill,
And its Annual Christmas Ball.

We remember the good times at old Jordanhill,
And laugh as we dream of the days
When we queued up to munch a steak-pie and chips lunch,
Plus steam-pudding that filled up our trays.

Yet these three college years up Southbrae Drive
Taught us how to duck and to weave,
For the harsh daily dose kept us up on our toes
Full ready to tackle whate'er arose.

But now best of all we recall;
A sure winner that did us enthral,
YES... the amorous girls of Jordanhill,
And its lavish Christmas Ball.

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