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Grandpa's Old Clock

Lyrics 'concocted' by John Henderson on the 25th of May, 2015,
to part of Henri Klickmann's 1917 music for Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight.

"Tick-tock-tick-tock," went Grandpa's old clock,
But never "um-um" because it was dumb;
Three hands graced its face that never looked glum,
Kept in its place by a brass pendulum.

It needed wound to keep up the sound,
And pow'r to each hand as Grandpa had planned;
So regularly, he put in the key,
Then turned it round tightly each morn and nightly.

His clock stood tall against our hall wall,
Tick-tocking away with nothing to say;
Till one day it spoke, [No that's not a joke!]
Believe it or not, it said, "Oh!-I've had my lot."

"I've got dry rot... yes-that's what I've got;
A very bad fungus that's making me frought.
My hopes that one day I'll never decay
Are now very rapidly all-coming to nought."

"Creak-Creak-Creak-Crock," moaned Grandpa's old clock,
And often "ugh-ugh" for the going was tough.
Its hands soon dropped off from lots fungal stuff,
Till Grandpa said sadly, "Och-enough is enough!"

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