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Old Age Blues

A moany poem composed by John Henderson on the 1st of January, 2015

Another year has passed me by and now I feel quite old;
For summers now oft feel too hot, and winters much too cold.

Here I have searched for happy thoughts to rhyme upon my pad,
But most things that have come to mind have made me feel quite sad.

There was a time, now long ago, when life was just a blast,
But now I nod when I am told, "You're living in the past".

I used to go to buy new clothes down at our supermart,
But now I don't, for nothing there could ever make me smart.

I'd also go down to the pub and drink pints with my pals,
But now I go to hospitals and umpteen funerals.

I'd oft go driving out of town to places near and far,
But now I suffer aches and pains e'en cushioned in my car.

At restaurants back then I'd dine, and never get my fill,
But now I get a 'doggie-bag' to heat and eat at will.

Thus dear readers, as my life's now full of old-age woe,
It's no surprise I stay at home and dream of long ago.

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