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Glasgow's Penny Trams

A poem composed by John Henderson on the 21st of March, 2015.

Long gone are days of penny fares
On Glasgow's trams with spiral stairs;
Each jerky journey, frequent halts
More like a tango than a waltz.
Their contacts crackled when they spun
Quite sharply at each junction-turn
That made weak stomachs grunt or heave
With ev'ry sudden spark or weave.
These 'iron-horses' did not neigh,
But clanged their way by night and day
To distant termini and back
On cobble-centred miles of track.
Such planning never seemed quite right
When people wanted to alight
At pavements almost out of sight
That jangled nerves as they took flight.

Perhaps this danger, more or less,
Called time on Glasgow's trams;
But in the wake of their demise,
We now have traffic jams!

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