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Maggie's Passion

A doggerel composed by John Henderson on the 20th of February, 2015

Our home's oft topsy-turvy, but Maggie she's a one
Who soon as it is April, rules, "Much cleaning must be done."

The carpets first are beaten, then hung outside to breathe
Though swinging in the garden they make me duck and weave!

The chimney sweep comes calling and does what needs be done
Thank goodness in our cottage, I think we've only one!

Oh! lucky me I'm banished, and dared to step inside,
The outside loo it has to do, thus so much for my pride!

At least my hut is cosy and far-from harm's way,
While spit and polish measures continue ev'ry day.

At meal times Maggie joins me, for food and drink and rest;
At least midst all the upsets, that's how I serve her best.

But surely you are wond'ring ... how do I cook and feed?
Well Jimmy at the cafe supplies our ev'ry need.

Expensive though this ploy seems, my wife depends on it
To fund her spring-clean-passion without which she would quit.

Ha! Ha!

The sting is in the tail here, for Jimmy is our son,
And we own Jimmy's cafe in the third house down bar one!

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