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Grasp Opportunies

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th of February, 2015
A parody in English of WD Cocker's 1949 poem 'Carpe Diem' in Scots

Laugh while you've time for laughing,
And sing while you're still young;
Don't dwell on the sad days coming,
Or leave bright songs unsung.

Love while there's time for loving;
Don't stay outside the fold
Till your heart's just an empty barrel
With its inside long gone cold.

Weep while there's cause for weeping
Lest pity pass you by,
And your eyes are like wells undampened
From emotions long gone dry.

Laugh while you've time for laughing,
And sing while you're still young;
Soon will old age o'ertake your voice
'Fore half your songs are sung.

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