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First Footing

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 23rd of December, 2014,
to Meredith Willson's 1951 music for, 'It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas'!

Introductory Music

Go first-footing my dears and you'll be welcomed
For the joy you bring
To each home in your neighbourhood
Offering drinks and food
While singing songs that make the rafters ring
But be certain the first who's o'er the doorstep
Tall and dark is he
And is carrying coal or bun to ensure that ev'ry one
Knows good luck they'll see

A toast to happier days while your glasses you raise
Is well made ere taking your leave
More calls you make and there more thirsts you slaik
As you start to stagger and weave
Till most strength gone, you yawn and then roll home before the dawn

Oh first-footing my dears you may find tiring
But what joy you'll know
From the bells after twelve o'clock
Offering doors to knock
Then singing songs with lots get up and go
But be certain the first who's o'er the doorstep
Tall and dark is he
And is carrying coal or bun to ensure that ev'ry one
Knows good luck they'll see

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