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'Cheggies' - Children's Autumn Chestnut Game

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 13th of October, 2014
to part of a Scottish Waltz called, 'Dorothy'.

Two young urchins went searching for trees
Laden with 'cheggies' to please
When shaken down upon the ground
Ready for them to seize
Green-skins still covered a few
Hiding their ripe fruit from view
Till each slice just right brought into sight
Many-brown-nuts of shiny hue

The young searchers soon picked up the best
Saying good-bye to the rest
Then headed back along the track
Homeward to bake with zest
But firstly with care they made holes
Through ev'ry nut just like moles
Next with heat well done they baked each one
Until-ready to meet their goals

Each-choice-chestnut was lastly strung-taut
Ready for combat when sought
After the school when as a rule
Fighters would not be caught
The losers, poor mutts, were the nuts
Victims of childish fun
But with autumn o'er, there was no more
Until snow-balling took its turn !

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