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My Friend Pastor Colin

'My Friend Pastor Colin'

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 29th of September, 2014,
to Carrie Jacobs-Bond's 1915 song, 'Do You Remember'

God bless my old friend who ministers daily
To many people who live far and near;
His is a mission that gives little respite
From all life's troubles as well as its cheer.
Pastors like Colin in Christian endeavour
Oft stand alone while embracing God's call;
But with great courage while facing all trials
He can both comfort and guide one and all.

By sharing, and caring
For minds and for hearts;
Through silence or bustle
He friendship imparts.

Through praise and praying on each peaceful Sabbath
Gathered believers give voice to what's right;
Then with a sermon of meaningful insights
He tries to strengthen their faith in the 'Light'
This 'Light' is Jesus who exemplifies goodness
That's based on truth as THE signpost for life.
Church Service over kind Colin can't rest
As he is Christ's servant and never His guest.

By sharing, and caring
For minds and for hearts;
Through silence or bustle
He friendship imparts.

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