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Hamelt Gargunnock

(Homely Gargunnock)
Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 27th of October, 2014, to part of Franz Lehar's 1922 music for 'Frasquita Serenade'

quait=quiet; treet'lin'=trickling; feshin'=bringing; fan=when; lift=sky;
kirkton=village; biel=sheltered place; faar=where; nar=near; ilka=every;
chiel=person; rasey=rosy; reed=red; sin=sun; tentin'=caring for

Quait Gargunnock wi' its braes
An' its lang syne histories
Hamelt tae ma een, an' mynd's, aye been
Wi' its burnies treet'lin' doon
An' its wee wids a' aroon
Feshin' nicht an' day, tranquility
Fan the mune is owerheid
Or the lift is rasey reed
Bens seen Nor an' Wast, froon oan, its Carse
This wee kirkton's shair a biel
Faar nar ilka livin' chiel
Weeshes freenliness, or mair, bit nivver less !

Quait Gargunnock wi' its braes
An' its lang syne histories
Hamelt tae ma een, an' mynd's, aye been
Wi' its burnies treet'lin' doon
An' its wee wids a' aroon
Feshin' nicht an' day, tranquility
Fan the sin is sheenin' bricht
Losh it fuls fowks herts wi' licht
Gairdens tae ma een, an' mynd, hiv been
Wi' lots flooers bloomin' gran
Frae chiels' tentin' o' the lan
Wirthy o' acclaim fur thur Gargunnock hame.

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