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A Post-WW1 Foreglen Orphan's Lament

A poem composed mostly in North-East Doric by John Henderson
on the 13th of September, 2014

pit=put; siller=money; anse =or; jaur=jar; minnie=mother; neist=next;
grunny=granny; dunnie=small building on a hillside; happ'd=roofed;
thack=thatch; reyn=rain; hurled=wheeled; barralades=barrowloads;
nar=near; hovel=squalid building; maiks=halfpennies; airn=earn;
wyvin'=weaving; graavits=scarves; biel=shelter; weirdless=fated;
fivver=fever; dool=sad; lane=alone; toom=empty; scaur=bare land.

Pleese pit siller i' ma tinnie,
Anse a sweetie i' ma jaur;
Fan a loon I loast ma minnie,
Neist ma faither i' the war.
I wis brocht-up by ma grunny,
Poorest widda i' Foreglen
Fa's wee hame wis jist a dunnie
Happ'd wi' thack tae keep oot reyn.
She hurled barralades o' tatties,
An' lots ither veggies tee
Frae the gairden nar her hovel
Maiks tae airn fur her an' me.
In the winter oan her hanloom
Wyvin' graavits she did weel;
I dug peats an' hunted rubbits,
Lerned tae keuk an' waarm oor biel.
Bit ma grunny, ae day weirdless,
Catchit fivver nane cud cure;
Sinsyne aince mair I've been orphaned;
Twal-year-auld, dool, lane an' poor.
Pleese pit siller i' ma tinnie,
Anse a sweetie i' ma jaur;
Ma toom hame is aye a dunnie,
Bit ma gairden's noo a scaur.

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