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Call Of The Bens

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 31st of July, 2014,
to Billy Jackman's 1922 music for the song, 'Underneath The Dixie Skies'.

Two fine 'Bens' in West'rn Scotland
Underneath gold-gloamings' skies
Oft divulge majestic presence
To all folks who use their eyes;
'Lomond' with its loch near 'Ledi',
Casts its shadows mem'rably
When the sun with motion steady
Slips from sight to end each day.

Feel the spell of these two peaks
Listen as in turn each speaks ....

"All who climb be careful, always,
Careful as can be;
Do not underestimate Scots weather's mystery!"

"Plan your treks to North'rn 'Bens'
Reached through woods and docile glens;
Then up many-valleys-soaring, streams, and corries,
All in turn that brook no follies
Underneath fast changing Highland skies."

" 'Bens' above four thousand feet,
You may list on your short-leet;
But the peak of 'Nevis', highest,
May be your most sought
For its regal splendour though with subtle dangers fraught!"

"Plan your treks to North'rn 'Bens'
Reached through woods and docile glens;
Then up many-valleys-soaring, streams, and corries,
All in turn that brook no follies
Underneath fast changing Highland skies."

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