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Glesga Toon In The 1950s

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 28th of July, 2014
to Sunny Skylar and Pat Genaro's 1948 song, "You're Breaking My Heart".

Introdcutory Music

I weel mynd the trams o' auld "Glesga",
The orange an' green buses tee;
The "Oondergrun" rinnin' aneth them,
A' gattin' me whaur I maun be.
"Shanks' Pony" I eesed fan fair skintit;
Twis saffer fan happ'd ow'r wi' smog
Frae reek skailt by thoosans o' chimleys,
An' haars sweelin' frae "Clydeside's" bog.

The "Broomielaw" .....
Wi' boaties braw ....
Thit cud-seen paiddle frae toon an awa'
Losh twis gran whaur the vizzies wur clair ... shair,
Frae "Bute" an' on doon tae "Ayr".

I weel mynd the "Kelvin" in "Partick";
The "Uni" upon "Gilmorehill";
The "Rubaiyat"-handy fan thristy
Fur hauf-pints an' aiven a gill.
The fitba' I'd ging tae at Ibrox,
Fan matches at nicht cud be seen,
Gif reek skailt by thoosans o' chimleys,
An' smog didna 'blanket' the scene!

The "Broomielaw" .....
Wi' boaties braw ....
Thit cud-seen paiddle frae toon an awa'
Losh twis gran whaur the vizzies wur clair ... shair,
Frae "Bute" an' on doon tae "Ayr".

Ay, Glesgae toon ......
Ye wur a boon ......
Fur me a kwintrified chump o' a loon;
Losh twis gran as I growed-up a man ... there,
Mair times being-up than cast-doon.

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