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Sam McGann The Fish Vanman

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of May, 2014,
to the music for the tune called, 'Oysters And Clams'.

shots=catches; coff=buy; caller=fresh; redd=ready; daffin'=flirtatious;
strashal=untidy; hyterin'=slipping; doosht=fell down heavily; fyke=trouble;
happ'd=covered; scootin'=running hurriedly; troo=believe; teep=type.

Noo, ilka week oan Friday morn the fish-man ow'er frae Cellarhorne
Aye's howpin' .... lots wint chyse frae his shots;
He, caas-oot frae his motor-van, "Come coff frae me, I'm Sam McGann,
Caller-fish, shair, I hiv redd fur yer pan."

Och, bit-bide a wee fyle I tell ye o' the daffin' wints o' Jean McFee
Fan rinnin' .... tae coff 'Sole' frae Sam;
Weel, she hud gaed oot dolled-up-tae-the-neens,
Nae e'er fur her auld strashal 'Jeans',
Bit hyterin', she doosht doon wi' a 'Wham!'
Sam speer'd faist, "Peer lass, fit like? Och, losh, sich fyke!
Yer bonnie frock is happ'd wi' dist frae scootin' ow'r faist tae chyse frae a' ma fish;
Bit, troo me, I'll gie, tae ye, 'Sole' free,
Fur ye're the teep o' lass fa ae day shair-ma-ainly-jo-cud-be!"

Syne, the neist week oan Friday morn yon fish-man ow'er frae Cellarhorne
Gaed howpin' .... Jean'd rin oot frae her hame;
Sae, he caa'd "Jean, fan here I'm deen, wud ye jyne me 'wa ow'r in Skene
As ma jo there, faar I bide oan ma lane?"

Weel, wi' her face flushed, ye maun troo me, I hard twa-three gasps frae Jean McFee
Fyle hirplin' .... tae daff wi' McGann;
Shair, noo aince mair aa dolled-up-tae-the-neens,
Nae eese her weerin auld strashal 'Jeans',
Gif, sairious, aboot winnin' her man.
Sam speer'd faist, "Braw lass, dae ye, raley like me?
"Ay Sam McGann yer een sae blue mak ma hairt tummle heid ow'r hurdies fur you,
An', troo me, I'll gie, tae ye, luv free,
Fur ye're the teep o' lad frae this day shair-ma-ainly-jo-wull-be!"

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