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Jock The Cottar's Son

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 8th of June, 2014,
to part of Calum Maclean's Scottish dance music for, 'The Charness Waltz'.

Jock born and brought-up-in the country;
Fields and hills to him were home;
Bless'd was he with such surroundings
That instilled in him a need to roam.
Though inside him lay this longing,
School he knew he must attend,
For without the wisdom learning-for-years-there-could-bring
A sound living he might ne'er earn.

Jock's yearning to become a farmer,
Though only a cottar's son,
Fitted well with his love of outdoors,
And knowledge from much harvesting he'd done.
Going to the Agric. College,
Where he passed exams with ease,
It 'twas no surprise the Laird-asked-him-to-become
A helper to one of his grieves.

Jock liked the Laird's only daughter,
And he felt Liz-liked him too;
They had been good friends at College,
But there she'd fancied him-more-than-he-e'er-knew!
Often the young couple's paths crossed
When the Laird would call Jock in
To ask if he knew if any crops-that-they-then-grew
Were more of a loss than win.

You'll probably guess what happened
At the local Farmers' Ball,
Liz went dressed-up as 'Cinders'
In the hope 'Prince' Jock she might enthral.
This tale-has a happy ending
As the couple danced till dawn;
"I'll soon gain a son," the-smiling-Laird-told-ev'ryone,
And e'en grandsons before I'm gone."

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