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1940s Banknock

Lyrics composed by John Henderson of Banknock from 1944 to 1949,
on the 17th of June, 2014 to the main melody of Charles Ancliffe's 'Irish Whispers Waltz'.

I remember Banknock long ago
With the chimneys always smoking above each 'Miners' Row';
But then despite the hardships suffered from low pay,
Fam'lies kept their hearth-fires glowing brightly all day.

Others stayed in Streetville, much the same ....
Up-a-close, or up a stairway, theirs-was a 'high-rise' hame.
Then out in Coneypark lived more souls midst green fields,
Hard by Farmer Murchie's Dairy they'd health'er bields.

O'er the bogs in Wellpark, down Bankier
Were some cottages and houses much further from life's steer.
Near to the Schoolhouse and the Schoolyard, homes looked good,
While beneath the Station Braeface two 'mansions' stood.

I recall the Grocer, Mister Brown
With his half-loaves costing tuppence, and change from half-a-crown.
Also ex-Army Stores for bargains, chip shop too,
And the butcher who delivered our weekly stew.

Much I haven't mentioned ... please forgive ?
For my mem'ry now is leaking just like a loose-wired sieve.
But all the photographs I still have of those years
I will treasure ever after with smiles and tears.

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