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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 30th May, 2014,
to Dudley Mecum, Henry & Merrit Brunies' 1925 music for
'Dearie, Please Don't Be Angry'.

Chickadees are tiny birds who're often very tame;
Their call of 'chick-a-dee-dee-dee' is worthy of their name.
They come visit ev'ry day and when they start to feed,
They hang on upside-down there, to demolish lots of seed.

Spring-time in Carolina,
Brings us well-mannered Chickadees;
Who whis-tle 'fee-bee', to thank us gratefully.
For the weeds and seeds that please.
Boy in May it is a joy to welcome them back
To our gardens where each one's a great acrobat.
We're blessed in Carolina,
When we have circus acts like that.

Repeat Chorus

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