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Ben Cleuch

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 13th of May, 2014,
to Hank Williams' 1952 music for his song, 'There's A Tear In My Beer'.

Ben=mountain; toopican=summit; vizzies=views; gates=roads; eneuch=enough; Touch= Estate just west of Cambusbarron; souch=rushing sound;
haughs=small areas of land almost completely surrounded by a river.

There's a Ben thit I ken faar I affen lik'd tae spen
Oors an' oors, come sheen, come reyn;
Its toopican fan wan cud shaw mony vizzies gran
A' aroon ma mitherlan.
I'd mervel at the feedles broon, the gates frae toon tae toon;
Burns, an' rivers thit tae the sea gaed doon;
Wi' the glens an' thur wids an' the snaw-happ'd mountains tee,
Sich brocht pleesur tae ma ee.

Frae Ben Cleuch richt eneugh I cud see the hulls o' Touch
As they wattered wi' a souch;
Thur shady peels wi' fish sairin mony'a denner dish;
Fit mair cud a faimly wish!
The River Forth wud catch ma een faar lots o' haughs wur seen;
Brigs an' harbours aye shaw'd faar boats hud been;
Fyle the auld Abbey Crag, an' the Lomonds o' the East
Nae doot added tae ma feast.

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