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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of May, 2014,
To Billy Reid's 1953 music for the song, 'I'm Walking Behind You'.

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buss=bush; green=lawn; heeses=lifts spirits; dool=sad; crap=cut back;
freests=frosts; gless-haps=cloches; lig=lie; gizzened=shrivelled; dist=dust;
dwam=faint; pattit=potted; waffs=perfumes; hyowin=hoeing; tentin'=caring;
kittles=tickles; chist=chest; stracht=straight; a dram= a small amount of liquor.

Ma gairdin in simmer is bonnie an' bricht;
A pleesure tae leuk at frae mornin' till nicht,
An' nae jist in sinsheen, bit tee in the reyn,
Whilk affen in Scotland ne'er leas it alane

Och ay sich floorishin' midst ilk buss an' green,
Aye heeses michtily, gif fair dool I've been;
I've ivver tae mynd tae, weel crap, weed an' feed
Gif I wint ma gairdin tae ne'er ging tae seed;
Fan freests micht surpreese me in April an' May,
Ma gless-haps' proteckshun aye haud sich at bay.

Ma floo'rs ilka winter lig gizzen'd in dist,
Sae nae aiven a dwam sin funds ony tae kiss;
Bit in-bye ma waarm pattit-plants cam intae thur ain
Fan lichtin' yon dairk days fan sinlicht there's nane.

In a' ma expairience there is nowt tae bate
Waffs frae ma faavarits ow'r ma gairdin gate.
I kep hyowin', an' raikin', an' e'en watterin' tee,
Alang wi' a' ither tentin' nane thase baither me.
Bit fan blooms stert a-fusperin', "Ye maun slock yer thrist."
I doon a Scotch whusky whilk kittles ma chist !

A'-year-roon gairdinin', whiles in-bye or oot,
Aye maks me saitisfeed, an' fair prood tae boot.
I syne ivver kep myndin' tae dae a' thit I can
Tae mak shair a' ma 'bloommers' stracht up ivver stan.
Maist ma freens fan me-veesitin', fyle takin' a dram,
Wull aft in ae vyce say, "We're gled thit we cam !"

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