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Banknock Schule' In The 1940s

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 7th of May, 2014,
to Janet Graham's 1775 tune for the song, 'There Nae Luck Aboot The Hoose'.

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screeve=write; sklate=slate; aisy=easy; thrang=thick;
dooshed=landed; bools=marbles; fashed thur thooms = worried

Fan I feerst gaed tae jyne the schule
The 'Missie' she wis braw
An' fair-seen she'd lernt me hoo tae read an' screeve
An' coont tae ten an' a'
Aye fan I gaed tae schule lang syne
I screeved oan a sklate
Ma wirds an' nummers, picturs tee
Oontil I gat them nait

Fan bittie aulder at the schule
Ma jotters fu o' sums
Seen I fund oot thit yon arithmetic
Bate me as weel's ma chums
Shair fan I gaed tae schule lang syne
Wis it aisy.... naw
Fur wirds an spellins thrang an' faist
Wur dooshed oan us an' a'

The playtimes aye wur verra guid
Wi' fitba an' the bools
Fan icy we'd seen lern hoo tae skite an' fa
An' nae leuk affa fules
Whiles the lassies cawed skippin' ropes
An played peever .... tee
Ilk 'Miss' an' 'Maister' fashed thur thooms
An' howped guid lads we'd be

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