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Johnny and Jessie

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on th 2nd of May, 2014,
to part of a Scottish Dance tune called, 'William Atkinson'.

Glossary for less obvious words...
widder=weather; pairly-pearly; mangin=yearning; spooner= suitor;
kittle=anger; kitlin=kitten; sanshach=saucy; mou=mouth; narhan=nearly;
pree=taste; dinna fash yer thoom=don't worry.

O Jessie wi yer dainty feet,
An kilted wee-skirt sae-sae smert an neat,
Gif ye me seen wud care to meet,
I'd ging wi ye e'en gif the widder's weet.

O Johnny lad pleese bide a wee,
An thenks for a' thase couthie wirds tae me,
Bit I've ne'er hud a thocht to see
A gowk like's o' ye nar the trystin tree !

O Jessie wi' yer braw pairly fite broo;
Yer chiks aye-sae smeeth an yer een sae blue;
I canna live withoot aye aft mangin for you
Ilk mornin, nicht, an in the gloamin too.

O Johnny, ye're nae gran spooner ava,
Fur if ye'd ony thochts o' fit maks luv braw,
Ye wadna staun' sae far awa,
As gif tappin' me micht kittle Pa !

O Jessie, quine, ma luv it is true,
Sae, cuddle-in claise like a kittlin sma,
An seen I'll dit yer sanshach mou,
An narhan I'll tak a' yer breith awa !

O Johnny, ye wull ma jo be,
An kisses I wull gledly noo gie tae ye;
Guid sakes I ken ye'll like the pree,
An wint them ilk nicht an ilk mornin tee !

O Jessie, let's ging syne speer o' yer Pa
Gif I micht noo hae yer wee han an a';
I howp he wullna say 'Na, Na, Na, Na !'
Fur athin in oor baith wirlds wud fa !

O Johnny lad dinna ging fash yer thoom,
Fur seen we'll be jimpin heich ow'r the broom;
In daylicht syne we'll ca the loom,
Bit mak luv ilk nicht in oor ain wee room !

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