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Gillies Hill Threatened

[Cambusbarron, Stirling, Scotland]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of March, 2014
to the music for old song called, 'My Little Red Wagon'.

Gillies Hill is a place to be treasured
For the fame it gained in history
On the day when the troops of King Edward
Were stopped, and en masse forced to flee
But once more some fiends who seek riches
By plund'ring our woods and our hills
Seem immune to our calls for their halting
The wheels of their dark-dev'lish wills

Habitats of rare flora and fauna
Are not sites to scorn and desecrate
But to treat as rich funds for all beings
To live in fresh air 'fore too late
Arise ye true Scots with 'Green' feelings
And lobby your Councillors all
Do not rest till the battle is over
And follies like this hit the wall

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