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'Orpheus' in Greek Mythology was a legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects.

'HSR' are the initials of Sir Hugh Stevenson Roberton, the conductor of the Glasgow Orpheus Choir for 45 years. He was named in the 1931 New Year’s Honours’ List of those whom the King had been delighted to knight. Typical of the man, Sir Hugh not only saw it as an honour to himself, but also to all those privileged to be, or to have been, members of the Orpheus Choir .... to Glasgow, and .... to Scotland.’ When increasing ill-health forced Sir Hugh to retire from being conductor of the choir in 1951, its members unanimously decided to disband the Glasgow Orpheus Choir.... and most people understood why! The ‘Glasgow Orpheus Choir’was ‘Sir Hugh Stevenson Roberton’... no Sir Hugh ... no Orpheus Choir!

Here is a wee song in his praise to mark the upcoming 140th anniversary of his birth on the 23rd of February, 1874 in 2 Hallcroft Place, Tradeston, Glasgow

'Orpheus' Visits The Choir Bearing His Name

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 31st of January, 2014,
to George Evans' chorus music for the 1907 song. 'Come To The Land Of Bohemia'.

'Orpheus' visited Glasgow....
What he heard there seemed divine;
Voices exquisite, with diction explicit,
Sent shivers the length of his spine.
He thought, "It is surely the passion
They send through each word and note
That's like mine when my music brings listeners
Poetical lumps in the throat."

'HSR', waving his baton,
Beckoned the 'Muse' to his side,
"With your permission, dear Thracian magician
We'll travel the world far and wide?"
"Sir Hugh, let me here bless your baton,
Choristers too so sublime;
People need all of the joy that you're off ring
Through spirited music and rhyme."

Return to John's Poetry Page


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