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Old Steam Trains

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 29th of October, 2013, in memory of his namesake railway stationmaster Grandfather, to part of the accompaniment for George Formby's 1934 song, 'The Best Of Schemes'.

From the old steam trains we'd hear clickety-clack
As they sped-on ne'er smoke-free;
Their whistles blew, hot coal they'd chew, as onward they flew,
And were a wonderful sight for all us children to see.
Our village bridge or farm-land ridge gave such a good view
That our toys we would eschew.
There was little that we sought, more than all the thrills we got
Waving to the 'Royal Scot' till it came a faint dot;
But oft we hoped for being sweet we'd 'aboard' get a seat
On the pride of 'the fleet'.

Of the old steam trains I now seldom catch sight
Except running privately;
Their whistles blow, but oh they're slow, although their fires still glow,
And are an historic sight for all young children to see.
Now diesel pow'r with odours sour, and electrical drive
Show-off nothing to inspire.
I still yearn for old steam trains, although fresh-air they brought not,
And bless the 'Royal Scot' that cheered my childhood a lot;
For oft I hoped for being sweet I'd 'aboard' get a seat
On the pride of 'the fleet'.

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