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Saucy Hooray

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of September, 2013,
to Tolchard Evans' 1932 music for the song, 'Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing'.

Jake once attended a Phys. Ed. School,
Hip-hip, hip-hip, hooray;
Where not wrapped-up in cotton wool,
He trained hard each day.
So he sweated as ne'er before,
Drip-drip, all o'er his kit,
But the stink from his feet
Smelled like yesterday's meat,
Or a skunk's foul spit.

But when he went to the coffee bar,
Sweet, he reeked of soap;
For he'd shower and towel-down,
Giving him lots of hope
Girls might fall for his clean-cut looks,
And his fine physique,
Though they'd seldom suspect
All that he might expect
O'er the coming week! ....
Though they'd seldom suspect
All that he might expect ....
In the back-seat
At the pictures,
Turning-up the 'heat' !

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