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Two Spoons Spoon

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 11th October, 2007
to Gus Edwards' music for 'By the Light of the Silvery Moon'.

Broon Spoon

Rainbow Spoon

Broon Spoon,
Dull loon,
Rainbow Spoon she's making eyes at him.
Each lie,
Impatient with the diners neat and trim.
Loon soon,
In tune,
Sings to her, "Where can we two spoons spoon?"
She trills,
"For thrills,
In our draw'r this afternoon!"

To the dark,
Of the chiffonier there,
Went that fond pair,
And began their love affair.
Without care,
For the teaspoons' glare,
The Rainbow spoon,
And her Broon loon,
Were canoodle-ling soon ....
With no need of a moon.

Next day,
Both gay,
Ran off to the preacher in the town.
Them blest,
With zest,
Despite the bride's bright Rainbow 'wedding gown'.
Groom soon,
In tune,
Sang to her, "Where can we two spoons spoon?"
She smiled,
Quite beguiled,
"Why, in our draw'r this afternoon!"

To the depths,
Of the old chiffonier,
Went that fond pair,
To begin their marriage there.
As they cared,
Not one teaspoon stared,
As bride and groom,
In their own 'room',
Were well-bedded-down soon ....
With no need for the moon.

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