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Tak Tent Yersel

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 26th of August, 2013,
to Jim Bottorff's playing of Guy Massey's 1924 music for 'The Prisoner's Song'.

Div ye aye hiv het parritch fur brakfast;
Saut an' currans weel steer'd in amang;
Wi' a drappie o' mulk eek'd tae cweel thim ?
Fur sic keps wyce fowks' stamachs 'on sang' !

Div ye tee chaw reid aipples wi' thur peel on,
An' veg caller heezed fae-oot guid gairden yird ?
Fur thase shair-gie ilka body lots proteckshun
Fae maist fell-drows thit they've nivver ivver hid.

Gif ye like 'a wee maut' ilka evenin',
Sic a bleb-ie micht dae ye nae hairm;
Bit tak tent thit the gless isna reamin',
Anse ye'll fin seen thit ye're 'oot the game' !

Div=do; aye=always; hiv=have; het=hot; parritch=porridge; fur=for;
brakfast=breakfast; saut=salt; currans=currants; weel=well; steer'd=stirred
amang=among; drappie=small amount; mulk=milk; eek'd=poured in; cweel=cool;
thim=them; sic=such; keps=keeps; wyce=wise; fowks=people; stamachs=stomachs; 'on sang'=healthy; tee=also; chaw=chew; reid=red; aipples=apples; thur=their; peel=skin; caller=fresh; heezed=lifted; yird-soil; ilka=ev'ry; fell-drows=dangerous illnesses; 'a wee maut'= a small amount of malt whisky; blebie=small alcoholic drink; hairm=harm; tak tent=take care; reamin'=over-flowing; anse=else; fin=find; seen=soon; 'oot the game'=drunk.

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