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Days O' Lang Syne

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of August, 2013,
to Richard Eilenberg's 1911 tune called 'The Sharpshooters' March'.

lang syne=long ago; fan=when; gaed=went; schule=school; toon=town; faar=where; wud=would; wirk=work; mony=many; lang=long; oor=hour; sax=six; a'=all; telt=told; harns=brains; tapp'd=touched; wur=were; sherpen'd=sharpened; in-bye=inside; heids=heads; tentin'=caring; skeels=skills; wuts=wits; fowks=folks; aft=oft; maun=must; pairt=part; youthheid=teenage; ow'r=over; fund=found; foons=foundations; farivver=wherever; oot=out; warld=world; nae=no; maitter=matter; thenks=thanks; reesed=raised; saaf=safe; castell=castle; reenge=range; cam=came; nicht=night; sang=sing; jaw=chat; een=eyes; dit=close; banes=bones; sair=sore; weery=tired; biel=shelter; ainly=only; in-draachts=breathing; hard=heard.

Verse 1:
Days o' lang syne;
Days fan we gaed tae schule
In Stirling toon
Faar we wud wirk an' play fur mony a-lang-oor;
Sax years a' telt,
Harns tapp'd wur sherpen'd
In-bye oor heids
By tentin' teachers' skeels an' wuts.

Fowks aft maun pairt,
Fan youthheid days are ow'r;
Wirk maun be fund,
An' foons be laid farivver oot in-the-warld;
Nae maitter faar;
Gie thenks tae Stirling
Faar we wur reesed
Aye-saaf upon the Castell Rock.

Verse 2:
Fan schule wis oot,
We'd reenge the Ochil Hulls,
Till cam the nicht
Fan we wud sang an' jaw fur mony a-lang-oor;
Till een wud dit
Banes sair an' weery
In-bye a biel
Till ainly in-draachts wud be hard.

Fowks aft maun pairt,
Fan youthheid days are ow'r;
Wirk maun be fund,
An' foons be laid farivver oot in-the-warld;
Nae maitter faar;
Gie thenks tae Stirling
Faar we wur reesed
Aye-saaf upon the Castell Rock.

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