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Fit's Fricht'nin The Weans

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of December, 2009
[Based on WD Cocker's story-line in his poem, "The Bogle"]
to Frank Adams' 1909 tune to 'I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now'.

Brief Introductory Music

There are things in the muckle buss hard-by oor loan-heid
An they mak ma hert fill wi dreid,
Fur they skirl like wee hoolets an rattle thur banes
Jist tae frichten awa aa us weans!
They're ne'er there in the daytime bit fan it comes nicht
They creep roon bit aye weel oot o sicht;
Syne they're splairgin ben burnies an sprachlin ow'r stanes-
Jist tae pit the win up aa us weans!

We aft speer whilk warlock's thur pa?
An tee whilk carlin's thur ma?
Ponner fa's lernin them aa thur gaws,
Roon the raws,
'Hint field wa's?
We speer aft gif ilk's the DEIL's freen;
Thenkfully tee HE's ne'er seen !
We howp thit ae day they'll aa flee 'wa aff.
An we wull nae mair need tae flaff.

I can sweer I've nae seen yin an losh I'm nae blin
Bit een-steek pass yon buss at the rin;
An altho I affen tum'le I'd raither git sprains
Nor see things thit fley aabody's weans!
I ne'er gang up thon roddie in munelicht or mirk
Fur I'm nae a baul bul or a stirk;
"Ye're aa glaikit" say fermers, "it's win fan it manes":
Bit THEY'RE gowks gif they think win scares weans!

We aft speer whilk warlock's thur pa?
An tee whilk auld carlin's thur ma?
Ponner fa's lernin them aa thur gaws,
Aroon the raws,
'Hint field wa's?
We speer aft gif ilk's the DEIL's freen;
Bit-thenkfully tee HE's ne'er seen !
We howp thit ae day they'll aa flee awa aff.
An we'll nae ony mair need tae flaff.

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