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Jaud Mima

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 21st of June, 2013,
to John Burns' music for a Circle Waltz called 'Natalie’s Tune'.

Glossary for less obvious words:
craft=croft; wyte=wait; speer=ask; edder=either; haps=coverings;
biels=quiet places; jaud=perverse woman; hefted=lifted; roch=rough;

Fan I'd ging doon frae ma craft tae Dunquidderan
Bonnie Mima'd wyte fur me by the auld trystin tree;
Syne she'd tak ma han an' speer, "Faar wull we gaan?"
Wi' a come-hither leuk in her ee!
Twis aye edder Glen Gleann, or the wid roon Lochan Dunquid
Thit we faavourt maist fur oor coortin';
Thur firs' haps as biels wur guid,
An' 'twis amang sich as thase thit we hid.

Fan I cudna ging 'wa doon tae Dunquidderan,
Mima didna aye bide lang in the toon oan her lane,
Bit speered ma freen Dan, "Noo faar micht we gaan?"
(Wi' the thocht thit he's better nor nane.)
Dan said nae tae Glen Gleann, bit ay tae Lochan Quiddrin
Faar he kent the watter wis freezin' .....
"Guid, it is, fur ye jaud Miss",
Syne faist-hefted an' roch-tummulted her in!

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