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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 19th of May, 2013,
to Charles Avril's 1902 music for the song, 'Back Among The Clover And The Bees'.

Mornin' slawly waukens ow'r the dyow-waash'd carselan,
Syne ma feedles stert tae het-up wi' the sin,
An' I wonner gif at laist I've guid-hairst-widder
Fur the crap o' hey thit I hiv yit tae win.

I'm aye myndin hoo reyn baet me laist September,
Fan I cudnae cut or bale fur weeks oan en,
Syne fan this wis deen the rucks wur bleck an sypit,
An' ma ragie kittle ye'd shair ken.

Wirk oan ferms it nivver ens,
Maitt'rin nane fit Nature sens,
Like the hail or reyn or snaa thit garrs me greet;
I maun ivver sodger oan,
Airn ma weekly ice-cream cone
Frae the Taalie's Shoppie doon the street !

slawly=slowly; waukens=wakens; ow'r=over; dyow-waash'd-carseland= dew-washed-plain; syne=then; feedles=fields; stert=start; het-up=heat-up; wi=with; sin=sun; gif=if; laist=last; guid-hairst-widder=good harvest weather; crap=crop; hey=hay; yit=yet; win=take; aye=always; myndin=remembering; hoo=how; reyn=rain; baet=beat; fan=when; cudnae=could not; bleck=black; sypit=sodden/soaked; ragie=raging; kittle=anger; shair=sure; ken=know;
wirk=work; ferms=farms; maitt'rin=mattering; nane=none; garrs me greet=makes me weep; maun=must; sodger=soldier; airn=earn; Taalie's=Italian's; doon=down.

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