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Dinna Smucht Oor Scots' Leids

(Don't Choke Our Scots' Languages)
( A late 19th Century complaint about the school curriculum in Scotland being dictated by the House of Lords in London !)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th of June, 2013 to,
Bobby Brown's main melodies for 'The Primrose Polka'

Glossary for less obvious words:

girnin=moaning; clashmaclavers=silly talk; screeve=write; fremmit=foreign; Lairdies=Lords slaiverin'=foaming at the mouth; bairdies=beards; stick in oor craws=annoys us intensely; scunner=nuisance; smucht=choke; haivers=nonsense talk; chaw= chew; gyp'ry=foolishness.

Doon amang the hedder, we a' dince an' blether
Fur schule's oot an' we're awa
Frae a' the maister's girnin' thit we are-nae lernin'
Ony Greek an' Latin nae, ava, ava;
Warse nor yon's Queen's Inglishe, wi' its clashmaclavers,
We maun spak an' screeve by Laws
Makt by fremmit Lairdies, slaiv'rin in thur bairdies;
Fules like-yon stick-in oor craws.

Eddicashun, mynd ye, we wud thole mair kindly,
Gif gien in wirds we oonerstan;
Pit tae us in Inglishe it's an affa scunner
Tae maist schule-bairnies in oor lan;
List ye Lairdies tae us in yer 'Hoose o' Wysedom'
Sooth hine-awa' in Lonnon Toon;
Dinna smucht oor Scots' leids wi' yer Inglishe haivers,
Chaw mair oan yer gyp'ry an' richt suin!

[Repeat to get the message over!]

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