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Quait Peathaven

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 17th of May, 2013
to part of Felix Joseph Burns' early 1900s music for the tune, 'Queen Mary Waltz'.

In May's gloamin', shaddas are gaithrin'
Frae Ben Croogle's glens abeen quait Peathaven
Tae streetch neist fey-fain paws, an' waltz wi' the seas' jaws,
Till ainly fant-lichts fae boats keek-oot alang wi the meen.
Starns up in the lift maist flicher bricht;
Bairnies a' are beddit an' sleep ticht;
Lads an' bonnie lassies sik biels weel oot o' sicht,
Fyle the fishermen wirk lang throw-oot the nicht
Till ilk morn dawn sees them hame, guid shots or nane,
Fochen-doon an' hunger'd by the Main,
Bit fowks in the kirkton weel ken the risks they rin
Fur thur neeboors an' thur kin.

shaddas=shadows; gaithrin'=gathering; abeen=above; quait=quiet; streech=stretch; neist=next; fey-fain paws=disorderly eager hands; jaws=waves; fant-lichts=faint lights; keek-oot=peep-out; alang=along; meen=moon; starns=stars; the lift=the sky; maist=most; flicher=twinkle; bricht=bright; ticht=tight; sik=seek; biels=quiet sheltered places; sicht=sight; fyle=while; wirk=work; throw-oot=throughout; nicht=night; ilk=each; hame=home; guid shots=good catches; nane=none; fochen-doon=tired out; fowks=folks; kirkton=village; weel=well; ken=know; rin=run; neeboors=neighbours.

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