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Tammy An' Teeny Troot

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 8th of May, 2013 to Fred Spielman and Janice Torre's 1960's music for the song, 'Paper Roses'.

Wee Tammy Troot ae day gaed tryst wi' Teeny,
His gowpin' een he howp'd wud gar her gang
Tae soom wi' him a bittie doon the burnie,
An' fin a biel thit wis na muckle thrang.
"Noo baul Tammy, Losh! ca canny,
Teeny gurgled, "dinna shiv yer lick!"
"Och, it is ainly an inveetaishun,"
Tam syne blythely bubbled, "coor an' saft spik!"

Sae aff they gaed baith kennin fit ilk winted,
Nae maitter fit bauch wirds she'd spak 'forehan,
Oontill they wan a biel ahint a boulder,
Tae sattle doon in quaitness oan saft san.
Maws an' nebbies, they faach'd lichtly,
Neist-syne sterted dincin' Burnie-Watter Reels;
Bit nae fur lang fan baith's spilely-sporty mammies
Soom'd in babblin' wil-like, "Stap coorse chiels!"
Fair disjaskit, the freens pairtit,
Tho' weel kennin trystin' mair they'd try,
Bit nae expeckin', thit efter I'd deen some nettin',
They'd hiv bid baith mams a laist bye-bye!

They'd hiv bid baith mams a laist bye-bye!

Troot=trout; tryst=meet; gowpin'=staring; gar=persuade; gang=go;
soom=swim; burnie=small stream; biel=sheltered spot; muckle=very;
thrang=busy; baul=bold; ca canny=take your time, be careful;
shiv yer lick=push your luck; coor=lie down; spik=speak; kennin=knowing;
bauch=shy; wan=reached; ahint=behind; boulder=large stone; sattle=settle;
maws=mouths; nebbies=small noses; faach'd=rubbed; spile-sport=spoil-sport;
coorse=bad; chiels=people; fair=quite; disjaskit=dejected; pairtit=parted.

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