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Speyside Glens In Scotland

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 21st of April, 2013,
to fiddler Gemma Donald's interpretation of the bonnie 'Twilight Waltz'.

wids=woods; sypit=soaking; ablo=below; Bens =mountains: skelpt=dashed;
fult=filled; thow'd snaa=thawed snow; gyte=wild; Merch=March;
reyns=rains; crafts=crofts; feedles=fields; pleugh'd=ploughed;
staun=withstand; dems=dams; jibble ow'r=overflow;
naarhan=nearly; baet=beaten; rase=rose; mullarts=millers;
yetts=gates; ticht-steek=tightly shut; claes=clothes; throw=through;
tholed=endured; happ'd=clad; skreek o' day=dawn; widder=weather;
fey=strange; fower=four; teeps=types; sizzon=season; swaty=sweaty;
broos=brows; aisly=easily; cottars=small farmers

We leuk'd tae the wids an' sypit glens
Sae braw ablo oor crags, an' Bens,
An' saw hoo fest the burnies skelpt
Weel fult by thow'd snaa an' gyte Merch's reyns;
Losh oor wee crafts wi' a' thur feedles pleugh'd
We howp'd cud staun the spate,
Tho' gif ony dems micht jibble ow'r,
We shair wad be naarhan baet.

The dems'-watters rase as oors gaed by,
An' aye the reyn poor'd doon, an' doon;
Mullarts kep a' yetts ticht-steek
Fyle we a' san-bagged oor stane-hooses roon;
A' nicht lang wi' a' oor claes weet throw
We tholed the cauld sae happ'd,
Till the skreek o' day brocht waarmin' wins,
An' syne the reyn at laist stapp'd.

In crafts in Kincardine's Speyside glens
Nar Sooth'ren sister Bens,
We weel ken the widder's fey
Wi' fow'r teeps o' sizzon aft in ae day;
Sae we are a' fu' redd syne wi' swaty broos
Tae thole fit comes oor way,
'Fur aye naithin' guid is aisly gat'
Is fit a' us cottars say.

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