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Airly Airish Simmer Sweem

[Early Chilly Summer Swim]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 16th of April, 2013,
to Roy Burtch's 1922 music for his song called, 'Guess'.

hich=high; brenches=branches; chirming=singing; schulin'=schooling;
skelpt=raced; roch=rough; tee-airsish=also chilly; sweem=swim;
a wee=a little; spark (etc.)=splash; starkly=bravely; dirdums=loud noises;
chitt'rin=shivering; thrang=busy; clinkers=boats; het bree=hot drink;
bit-clootin'=some mending; saaf=safe; gledly=gladly; ony=any.

Birds oan hich brenches wur chirmin' .........
Sangs tae thur neebours an' me ........
Bairns noo let loose frae a' schulin' ......
Skelpt 'wa fest doon tae the sea ........
Simmer hud come an' the watter wis nae ow'r roch an' tee-airish
Sae they micht sweem a wee ......
Spark! Spirk! Sperk! an' in they a' starkly tummled
Wi' thur bowst'rous .... dirdums o' gran-glee. .......!

Oot frae the sea they cam chitt'rin .........
Bit fest they ran ower the san ........
Tae faar thrang chiels oan thur clinkers ........
Seen gied them het bree oot a can .......
Thur boats o' wid an' thur trawl-nets wur aye in need o' bit-clootin'
Sae saaf at sea they'd gae ........
Bit fur bairns fa they hud seen starkly tummle
They wud gledly .... mak time ony day. .........!

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