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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 19th of March, 2013,
to Ethan Uslan's playing of Charlie Chaplin's 1930s' tune that he called, 'Sing A Song'.

It's irrefutable ..... yes, indisputable .....
That Maggie's beautiful ..... from head to toe .....
Her eyes enrapturing ..... for ever capturing .....
Lots suitors' attention, but,
She always says "NO"! .....
For she is spoken for ..... and she is faithful to .....
Her dearest Timothy ..... across the foam .....
Who though he sailed away ..... to Delaware .....
He soon will send for her ..... to join him there.

She hangs on patiently ..... and acts quite distantly .....
And most indiff'rently ..... to each keen 'Joe' .....
But years pass-by slowly ..... with Maggie woefully .....
Still awaiting Timothy call ..... "Sail when East winds blow." .....
She still stays spoken for ..... but she is longing for .....
Her sweetheart Timothy ..... across the foam .....
Who though he sailed away ..... to Delaware .....
He's still not sent for her ..... to join him there. .....

This tale unhappily ..... ends up in tragedy .....
For Maggie's Timothy ..... and his shipmates drowned .....
En route to Delaware ..... waves tossed them unware .....
Into an ocean lair, thus for lots hopeful maids life is a sad affair.

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