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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 13th of March, 2013,
to Willie Hannah's secondary melodies in 'Wee Rab's Waltz',
played by the Alexander Lindsay Scottish Dance Band.

Spring-time's com-ing wakens dormant flow'rs;
Day-light stretch-ing lessens dreary hours;
Sweet-ly birds' songs chorus from high bow'rs,
"Growth and col-ours revive with warm April show'rs."

It's a time of birth, in both field and fold;
Breezes waft o'er earth, to nurture young and old;
Roots and shoots mature till the land turns green,
As if white and frozen stiff it ne'er has been.

It's a time for growth, in each garden plot;
Warm air flows o'er earth, to tend with what it's brought;
Daffodils appear with their trumpets gold
Unfazed e'en by sharp East winds if truth be told.

Eag-er gard-ners sharpen-up their mowers;
Plant-out ear-ly from their winter stores;
Grate-ful al-ways to be out-of-doors,
Fresh and able to face Spring's seasonal chores.

Thus they fertilise, as all realise
Light rain plays its part to help lawngrass arise
From its strength'ning roots and its o'ersown seeds,
Despite pecks from hungry birds and harm from weeds.

It's a time for growth, in each garden plot;
Warm air flows o'er earth, to tend with what it's brought;
Daffodils appear with their trumpets gold
Unfazed e'en by sharp East winds if truth be told.

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