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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th of February, 2013,
to Clyde Hager's 1919 music for the song, 'That Wonderful Mother Of Mine'.

Sherp-winds thraw the trees aye gied me chilpit knees,
An' sic-like garr'd me caa oot, "Dang, dang."
Fur I wis a wee-loon in a kilt naewyes lang,
Fa afen weesh'd he'd dungarees;
Bit ma Ma she aye threep'd, "Laddies' pins need fresh air,
Aiven gif they git fyles-scaddie an' syne kittlely sair".

I wis the babe o' the fem'ly;
Fower big lassies an' me;
Pa an' them airn'd oor breid oan the lan,
Bit gey-oorlichy peer wur we;
Ma wyved ma kilts oan a han-loom;
Tee a' ither claes we'd wear,
Aye howpin' we'd tent them as lang as we cud,
Sae nae wonner ma knees wur lea'd bare.

Ae dool day Pa deed lea'in-us in muckle warse need,
Bit oor Ma ivver strang did his wirk;
Fyles han-oots thit aft cam fae guid fowks o' the kirk
Shaw'd thit freenship wis thicker nor bleed;
An' ma Ma seen she threep'd, "Lad ye'll need dungarees
As ye weel lern fit yer faither did oan his hans an' knees.

Syne as the man o' the fem'ly,
Fower big lassies, Ma tee,
A' o' us airn'd oor breid oan the lan,
Tho' aye oorlichy peer wur we;
I faist grow'd intae Pa's hand-me-doons,
An' haiv'd ma short kilts awa;
Neist o' a' ma fow'r sisters gaed aff an' gat mairrit,
Sae a' things wur much aisier wi twa.

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