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Claire MacNair

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of December, 2012,
to Hattie Nevada's music for the song, 'Letter Edged With Black'.

Brief Introductory Music

Awa' faar the Bens o' Scotland aye are toorin'
Sae prood an' gran bit seelent day an' nicht,
Fell-sherp cataracts are breengin' oan fyle shoorin'
Thur wul-icy jilpies ow'r aa things in sicht.

Ablo, cotter fowks we bigged up beildy kirktons,
An' there bided yin as blithe as she wis fair ...
Shair the aipple o' ma ee an' ye maun troo me
Thit I aft swore ae day I'd wad yon Claire MacNair.

Fan the sin wis sheenin' soonds o' braw Claire's sangin'
Echoed fae the hullsides 'roon oor glen;
Losh yon lassie's vyce wis crystal clair an' thirlin',
An' nae jist tae me bit ither luv-seek men.

Aft I wonnered fit tae dae tae woo an' win her,
Fur aye-I wis bauch an' ower sax fit twa,
Tee gey gawk an' gangly wi' nae lines tae spin her
'Cept ma fishin taikle e'en tho' it wis braw.

Bit fan ae day I gaed doon by Caatar Waater,
Sweemin' roon aboot as happy as cud be
Wis yon braw lass Claire fa caa'd oot "Come an' jine me;
This peel's as waarm as is the noshun I've fur ye."

Fan the sin's noo sheenin' soonds o' ma Claire's sangin'
Echo fae the hullsides 'roon oor glen;
Aye ma guidwife's vyce is crystal clair an' thirlin' ....
Bit noo jist fur me ootby oor but-an-ben!

faar=where; aye=ever/always; toorin'=towering; fell=dangerous;
breengin'=rushing; shoorin'=showering; wul=wild; jilpies=splashes;
bigged=built; beildy=sheltered; kirktons=villages; maun=must;
troo=believe; wad=marry; bauch=shy; tee=also; gey gawk=quite clumsy;
gangly=awkwardly built; taikle=tackle; peel=pool; ootby=outside

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