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Beth And Hedy

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 30th of November, 2012,
to part of Jim Johnsone's music for the waltz, 'Roses In Bloom'.

Beth's eyes were brown and dreamy, many a hopeful they charmed,
But that lass was wary of all who sought her hand;
She was a rich man's daughter, banker and merchant was he,
Whose hopes for dear Beth were set on marriage within royalty.

Beth's thoughts on such ambitions never once troubled his mind;
Nor was she aware of his plans of such a kind;
Though she enjoyed the favours, menfolk around her bestowed,
Her eyes ne'er spotted a suitor she might wish as her betrothed.

Beth's mind was far from dreamy under her outward display;
Which was only practice for her career one day;
She aimed to be an actress who'd star upon stage and screen,
Not for dull roles as a housewife, but a more thespian scene.

Her Dad was disappointed, but went along soon with her,
For he could imagine her decked in pearls and fur;
So Beth went off to stage-school where she stood out from the rest,
Not just from acting and good-looks, but intellectual zest.

She took the name of Hedy from the Lamarr star of yore
Whose screen-fame and life-style stands out in cine-lore;
But Beth upstaged her mentor - if not her creative store -
Being the darling of film-buffs, and of eight husbands or more!

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