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Hame Frae Hame

Dedicated to the memory of my 1st Cousin, three times removed,
John Walker, who emigrated to the Dunedin area of New Zealand in 1874.

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th of November, 2012,
to Neil MacLean's music for the song, 'Mo Mhathair' ('My Mother').

Mony years lang syne John teuk a ship frae Glesgae tae New Zealand
Faar he howped tae mak a life wi' his hans
Whilk cud big strang widden hames richt weel tae stan a' teeps o' widder
Thit he'd hard a' fowks aye-preed-in southron lans.

Efter weeks at sea John jined lots chiels fa'd sattled nar Dunedin
Faar guid trees tae drap wur redd fur his aix;
Seen he'd eesed a garron pu the trunks he'd stack up naet fur sawin'
Oan a brae he'd chysed atween-twa shalla lakes.

The braw hoose he bigged steed oot an' shawed John's wirk fair byous skeelfu,
An' seen ithers winted him tae big fur thame;
Thase acceppit kept him thrang an' fair-bien in freens an dollars
Nar-oan fifety years syne in his hame frae hame.

Glossary of Less Obvious Words:
preed=experienced; garron=small sturdy horse; byous=extraordinarily;
thrang=busy; fair bien=quite rich;

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