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Bessie An' MaryAnne

A slight parody by John Henderson, on the 14th of October, 2012,
of Robert Gilfillan's 1831 lyrics for 'Of Bessy Bell An' Mary Gray'
that he composed to the tune, 'My Love, She's But A Lassie Yet'.

Of a Bessie an' a MaryAnne
Wha hasna heard, wha hasna sung ?
Baith bonnie—but it's mony a day
Sin' they were blooming, fair, an' young.

Ae lass, gude sooth, is plenty O,
For ony douce an' sober man ;
Yet, although I'm baith, I've gatten twa,—
My Bessie an' my MaryAnne.

O ! Bessie is a bonnie lass.
As e'er gaed barefit through a glen ;
I'd toast her in anither glass.
Though I before had tippled ten :

E'en, after that, I'd aiblins brew,
Did strength permit, anither can,
An' drink to—Bessie ?—no !—to you,
My bonnie blue-e'ed MaryAnne.

Och I think on Bessie a' the day,
An' I dream o' MaryAnne at night :
My Bessie's the sun's brightest ray
Fyle Mary Ann is pale moonlight.

How happy could I be wi' baith,
Or either, as the auld sang sings ;
But, as it is, I'll tak my aith.
Nor day nor night me gladness brings.

My Bessie is the blushing rose
That in the valley blooms sae fair ;
MaryAnne's a wild rose that aye grows
'Mang sweetest flowers, the sweetest there-.

My Bessie fair, for you I'd dee.
My face, you see, is pale an' wan ;
But I maun live, to gaze a wee
On bonnie blue-e'ed MaryAnne !

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