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Mochie Widder

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 24th of July, 2012,
to Dick Black's Band playing their version of the tune, 'The Heather Gleams Like Stardust'.

fan=when; frae=from; hine awa=far away; wip-up=wrap up; ticht=tight; faar=where
caups=bowls; womble-bree=soup; ingles=firesides; widder=weather; mochie=damp
gryte-nips=advantages; drouthy=thirsty; hale an' fere an' kneef =healthy and active
galloshies=waterproof overboots; brollies= umbrellas

Fan the wind howls-frae the Nor,
Wi' cauld snaa nae hine awa',
It's a time fur a' Scots-fowks tae wip-up ticht;
Back at hame's faar they shud be,
Hivin'-waarm-caups-o' womble-bree,
As they sit aroon thur ingles bleezin' bricht.
Sich's Scotland as maist ken,
Faar nae jist oan ilk hich-Ben,
The widder's mochie as far as een can see;
Bit mynd this his gryte-nips tee,
Fur the watter's-aye clair an' free,
Fan ither-lans bide lang as drouthy as can be.

Tae bide hale an' fere an' kneef
Is nae aisy fan aye weet,
Bit wyse Scots they hiv 'galloshies' fur thur feet;
Cairr'in' 'brollies' tee they ken,
Fur haudin'-aff ilk shoo'r o' reyn,
Is as necessar as snaa-bits oan a Ben.
Sich's Scotland as maist ken,
Faar nae jist oan ilk hich-Ben,
The widder's mochie as far as een can see;
Bit mynd this his gryte-nips tee,
Fur the watter's-aye clair an' free,
Fan ither-lans bide lang as drouthy as can be.

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