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Old Codger

Lyrics composed by 'Three Score and Ten plus Two' John Henderson in Summer, 2012,
to Will Grosz's 1935 music for the song 'Red Sails In The Sunset'.

Get up ev'ry morning;
Put in my false teeth.
Good grief it's a struggle,
Above and beneath.

My head swirls a little;
I sit down and wait
Till things are more steady,
Blood no more in spate.

Feel round for my glasses;
Trip over a shoe;
It's such a palaver
To find my way to the loo.

Pull pants on and trousers,
A sweater to match;
Limp through to the kitchen,
While combing my thatch.

The smell of hot porridge
Puts oomph in my veins;
By magic each dollop
Removes aches and pains.

Such then are some perils
Old codgers must face,
When blindness and stiffness
Slow-up ev'ry pace!

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