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Stilpert Jean

Lyrics in N.E. Scottish doric composed by John Henderson on the 21st of June, 2012,
to Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher's 1945 song, 'Tampico' as played here by Jim Bottorff.

Stilpert Jean, dince-ha' queen, hearken to this cha-cha teen;
Tap ilk fit, faar you sit, lat your fingers flit a bit;
Tak the flair, deil may care, lattin' flee your nait-kaim'd hair;
Ah! Ah! Ah! your cha-cha'll mak fowks stan' an stare.
Nae yin that ivver I've seen, can cha-cha like you can Jean;
Yer clivver, stutterin' pins, wull fesh cheers fur you leen .... Yea!
Shaw a' hoo, noo, richt noo, the braw cha-cha you can do;
Syne you'll fin, at the rin, a' wull tak-aff you.


stilpert=long-legged; dince=dance; ha'=hall; hearken=listen; teen=tune
ilk=each; fit=foot; faar=where; lat=let; flit=fly around; tak=take; flair=floor
flee=fly; nait=neat;kaimed=combed; nae=no; yin=one; ivver=ever; pins=legs
wull=will; fesh=bring; leen=alone; shaw=show: a'=all; hoo=how; noo=now
richt=right; braw=beautiful; syne=then; fin=find; rin=run; tak-aff=copy.

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