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Virginny Val Of The USA

Lyrics composed by Scotsman John Henderson on the 9th June, 2012.
Listen to music here

I took a train and ferry for a Copenhagen lark.
That's how I reached that country which people called Denmark.
I met a nice gal when over there, her looks did me enthral.
When I asked her what her name was, she said "Virginny Val".

Oh ... Virginny Val, Virginny Val.
Your hair was fair, nice figure too.
I'd have sold my cricket bat for you.
Oh, Virginny Val, Virginny Val.
There was no lass as fine as you Virginny Val.

I asked you if you had a beau.
You said, " Yes and No."
Thus heartened I kept chasing just ev'rywhere you'd go,
With hopes to steal a kiss or two, and e'en maybe three or four;
But 'fore I got past talking the holiday time was o'er!

Virginny Val, Oh, Virginny Val.
Your hair was fair, nice figure too.
I'd have sold my cricket bat for you.
Oh, Virginny Val, Yea, Virginny Val.
There was no lass as 'braw' as you my good pal Virginny Val.

I'd caught a train and ferry for a Copenhagen lark
That's how I'd reached that fine country which people called Denmark.
I'd met you Val when over there, and hoped that you might some day be ?????
More than infatuation far across the sea.

Forty years went past apart until mem'ry played its part,
Recalling how when in old Denmark, talking, we'd made a start,
By finding joy when together, though sensing we'd never meet again,
Unless in the course of time the Lord He might this ordain.

Faith, e-mail and Saint Anthony,
Worked for thee and me!

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