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Fly Long, Waddle On

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 27th of March, 2012,
to Derek Hamilton's Scottish Waltz called, 'Jenny'.

"You non-flying bird, cawed Chris Crow to Ducky Black,
You'll ne'er be what's known as a singer with such a quack."
"Och Chris your 'caw-caw', Ducky quacked back, it'd be sublime,
If you became rear-end of a horsey in a kid's pantomime!"

"That's not very nice, cawed-cawed Chris Crow quite angrily;
But let's be friends who caw-quack-caw-quack harmoniously?"
"Oh Gosh Chris, well met, Ducky quacked, we'll have Caw and Quack Duets'!
Then we could entice more and more birds and soon have massed 'Multi-tets'!"

So off Chris Crow flew, to caw-in all crows he knew,
While down by Ducky's pond, swans, geese and ducks around him swarmed;
Then, very early next morn, Ducky conducted their first song,
And it became a Number One Hit, called, 'Fly Long, Waddle On'!

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