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Wartime Blackouts

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 25th of March, 2012,
to Walter Kent's 1941 music for the wartime song,
'There's Bluebirds Over The White Cliffs of Dover',
played here by Jim Bottorff.

The Forth-Clyde Canal was near where we lived
During each wartime year;
I remember night-times in black-out dark,
And droning that would bring-on fear;
Yes, even to this day, I still can hear dad say, "Quick .. Quick ...

Check each window shutter, so no little flutter
Or flicker, shows our house is here;
Then no plane might empty, its bombs one or twenty
Upon us, then on homeward steer;
Now go to your bed and sleep
Till morning bids you arise;
Next open the blinds a peep
To the sounds of larks' welcome cries;
A new day has started, dire threats have departed
Till night--time when planes re-appear."

Check each window shutter, so no little flutter
Or flicker, shows our house is here;
Then no plane might empty, its bombs one or twenty
Upon us, then on homeward steer;
Now go to your bed and sleep
Till morning bids you arise;
Next open the blinds a peep
To the sounds of larks' welcome cries;
For a new day's started, dire threats have departed
Till night--time when planes re-appear."

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